Stroke after delivery


Any moms out there have a stroke after delivering your child. I had my daughter on augusta 20th and immediately after had a horrible migrane. They told me it seemed to be a spinal headache from the epidural. The doctor said it should be better in a couple of days to a week. Well a week passes and i still have this horrible migrane like someone is beating me in the head with a hammer nothing helped it not even the pain killers they prescribed. Now my face is swollen im getting really weak in my legs. My mom took one look and told me to get to the hospital she knew i was having a stroke i didnt however im only 26 didnt think it was possible.. i thought i would go to the hospital and get the blood patch they were talking about for the spinal headache. I get there and even the doctor can tell so they do the physical and the mri and i find out i have a blood clot on my brain i just thank God it wasnt a bleed or it could have been wayyyy worse than what it was. I just want to know if any other moms have been or are in the same boat now. I spent four days in the hospital away from my 3 year old and newborn cant breast feed becauseim on blood thinners for at least the next 6 months they say i have an appointment on friday to see how things are going and get scheduled for another mri and cat scan so fingers crossed everything goes good.