Getting an abortion

So I had a baby 5 months ago. I was on the patch but found it lowered my supply so I stopped it. When my bf & I had sex I thought the hormones were still in my system since I just took off the patch, but I guess not.

My period is 1 day late so I decided to take a test to keep my mind at ease. Well, the test came out positive on 3 different tests saying I am 1-2 weeks pregnant.

I’m only 20 & I just started going back to work plus I had plans to attend school next fall. I am 100% getting an abortion, but I told my bf the tests were negative because he is prolife. So I will be getting the abortion without him knowing.

I don’t really know how to feel about it. I took the first test this morning & completely forgot about it all day then took 2 tests when o got home & it’s just been on the back of my mind. I also don’t know how I feel about the abortion. Seeing my son I love him so much & would never want to loose him, but I can’t handle another baby right now. I wasn’t ready for him, but decided to keep him, but 2 under 2 at 21 years old is too much for me to handle.

My family is also extremely upset I got pregnant with my son last year & they don’t like my boyfriend. I don’t get along with them really unless it has to do with my son, so as you can see having another baby right now just won’t work for me.

I just had to let this all out so thanks if you read till the end 🫶🏾