Boy name help..

Angelica • She`s hear! Mommy life begins!
We have our girl name but the boy name is causing us issues. We originally were going with Wyatt Zayn but honestly I've come to dislike Wyatt so much. It sounds too country and although we live in the south I am not into the Wild West names.. Plus I'm proud to be a Yankee lol.. (Not that there is anything wrong with being southern.. My baby and future hubs were and will be born and raised in the south) so any way.. What do you think flows the best with the last name Smith? Parker and Davis are family names on his side. We want to avoid Parker Davis Smith just because we don't want DPS as his initials lol. I've always loved the names Hudson and Davis even before I found out Davis was a family name. And I just can't let the name Cohen go. I think Zayn Grey flows nicely and sounds pretty cool. I'm not a huge fan of Parker .. I think it sounds more like a girl name..but What do you guys think? Have any ideas related to these names? 

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