Increase supply


Looking for any other advice on how to increase my supply.

Baby is 6 months old and has no issues with my supply when I’m with her. The problem is what she eats when I’m away. Daycare does pace feed.

I work full time. Pump every 2-3 hours for 15-20 minutes. I pump before bed and she usually feeds in the night. I’m lucky if I get 20 ounces to send her, but she really needs 25-30 (sometimes does not eat all)

I have tried herbal supplements, increasing water intake, I eat a good diet, and have seen a lactation specialist. I was put on reglan and it didn’t help.

My freezer dash is almost non existent and I may have to do formula (which I really don’t want to).

I also have a 2.5 yr old to take care of.