Early Ovulation... Could I Be Pregnant?

So I am super confused. Period came on 12/24 which was two days late and lasted its usual 2 days with the 3rd day being spotting. I had cramps the first day like usual too. I had really thought I was pregnant because of it being late and having what I thought were symptoms (I know hard to differentiate between pregnancy and PMS). I am now on cycle day 11 and my boobs started to hurt really badly several days ago which they never do during ovulation. I normally ovulate CD 16-18 never before. I also normally have a lot of egg white CM. I took an ovulation test tonight as my fertile week starts tomorrow and surprise surprise it says I am on my peak day. I am wondering if somehow I could be pregnant and still have gotten what I thought was my period. I know the only way to know for sure is to POAS but I just peed for the ovulation test so I am trying to drink a ton of water and thought I'd pick your brains... Also, I took a test the day my period didn't arrive and it was BFN.