Telling parents 😰

Fatima • proud mommy n daddy of baby Julian 😍💙👶🏻👪
Hey girls im 16 and im 4weeks and 2 days im currently stressing about telling my parents im pregnant i need help i have no idea how to tell them specially because my dad is so strict and i have alredy dissapointed both of my parents twice . They do not like my boyfriend and they dont know im still with him , how did you guys tell ur parents? Any advice? 
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I was in the same situation! They hated my boyfriend . Especially when I wasn't suppose to be talking to him anymore and they found out I was thru a little trouble with police right before I was pregnant! I was always told to be the "trouble maker" child . And always felt like a disappointment MANY TIMES . I am now 17 and pregnant . My boyfriend ended up telling my mom because I was able to hide it till 19 weeks and missed all those appointments . (Although my mom already had a suspicion thru my pregnant face and belly) . My parents are divorced so it's easier to keep it from my dad . He doesn't know, because he is so strict . But it sure did make my SO &&' I grow up quick! I'm now 26 weeks pregnant and stress free now that my mom and most of my family knows . They'll find out regardless . Don't hide it because you're scared .. It's more embarrassing going to the hospital looking big and not knowing when you were to be due! Tell them anyway that's easier and less stress for you, just don't wait to long!! Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to with some in common . 


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Right before we told my parents I just took a test and handed it to my mom..You'll more than likely feel way better once you get it off your chest so you guys can start coming up with what to do and doctors appointments. Im 16 and I'm 15 weeks and 2 days and all of my family is really supportive and excited now. Good luck!


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Honestly I told my mom through text message because I was basically being forced! It didn't turn out as bad as I expected though. I'm 17 years old and 6 weeks (tomorrow).


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I'd say video chat them and tell them, so you can see their reaction but you can hang up if it's too much. Also so that they have a chance to calm down a little bit before you see them in person.


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My mother was actually very supported, im 11w1d and already super stocked up. I just told her last week in case I were to have a miscarriage, I still haven't told my father, their some what strict but love my boyfriend so they let me do whatever I want unless he's with me. Also their divorced I'm also scared of that, I know my dad will be very disappointed. It takes time for them to come around, unless your boyfriend isn't over age you should be fine. It's your child they can't pressure you into anything. They can't press charges nothing. Just know they will be very disappointed but they will come around😊


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I got pregnant at 16, my parents are real strict too...I took them into their room and told them the condom broke. My mom knew right away because she knew I missed a few bc pills. Surprisingly they only told me its my job to turn it into a good thing. 


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I'm 17 and I left a onesie on my moms kitchen table. She wasn't mad just a little upset because of my age and since she's from the Philippines she said "it's not in her blood" to have a baby this young. Lol I have yet to tell my dad, he's the one I'm most worried about. I'm 6 weeks and I'll have the baby a couple months after I turn 18. 


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I got pregnant at 17 and was banned from seeing my boyfriend at 16 and they didn't know I still saw him and so I texted my parents because they're super strict and I didn't think I could tell them face to face and they were disappointed but not angry and are actually being very supportive 


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Take a pregnancy test and write a letter to them and tell them u poo it thoughts and leave it on top of their bed ,your their daughter they might get mad but no matter what they love you.