3rd baby first trimester??

Ashley • We have two girls 10 and 14 months expecting our third! I'm a stay at home mom and I own my own cake business!
Hello!  Okay so this is our third pregnancy I should say.  We have a 10 year old and a one year old and are pregnant again.  I know every pregnancy is different but I've been extremely nauseous and dizzy with this one and I'm only 5weeks along but I have felt this way since December 5!  I had a lumpectomy done to remove a benign mass on my breast.  After the procedure I was sick from the pain I was in.  Then I was fine for a week (the week we conceived) after that I've been a mess.  
About three days ago I noticed cramping.  I know cramping is normal because it's your body's way of preparing. I know that's what my body is doing but now I'm wondering if I may have more than one baby inside me cooking?
I have to make a dr appointment still as the holidays made making that hard!  But just wanted some of your thoughts!
Thanks mommas!