SubChorionic Hemorrhage or Miscarriage?


My midwife said it’s in the wait and watch time.

I was told at my 7 week ultrasound, that I had a small pocket of blood by the baby, but baby’s heart beat was strong and I was told to keep an eye out for spotting. Now I am 10 weeks, almost 11. 4 days ago, I started having red blood when I wiped, minor cramping, nothing painful or even uncomfortable. No free bleeding and no filling pads. Two days of bleeding when I go to the bathroom. Teeny tiny clots a few times. The next two days, no bleeding at all till late afternoon for like an hour and then done. On total bedrest. I am worried it’s a miscarriage, but when I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks, was painful and gushing and filling pads. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, but I am feeling pretty hopeless. A Tornado took out our house in March, and we made it safely to the basement, buy We are living at my in laws, our rebuild recently got delayed, it’s a stressful time. Could it be stress? Or All that to say, I also feel like a miscarriage after all that feels par for the course.