GD getting out of control


I had my 35 week appointment yesterday and my doctor told me that my baby’s belly is measuring 36 weeks but his head and rest of body is measuring 34 weeks. She said that it’s from my gestational diabetes getting out of control and to up my insulin. I was on 4 units and now I’m on 10 and my levels are still crazy high. Even with a strict diet. I’m already having a c section for 38 weeks because she doesn’t think it would be a safe idea to have a vaginal delivery just in case his head comes out but his belly gets stuck which I completely understand and am fine with having another c section. But even with us upping my units to 12 and up, my levels are still horrendous. No matter what I eat. I can eat things like chicken with no skin and leafy greens on the side and still be over 150. I was able to control it a few weeks ago and now I don’t even want to eat because everything spikes me. I’m at a loss. Has anyone else had this issue? Do you think the doctor will deliver even earlier if we can’t get my levels under control? Any advice is welcome.