Toddler Outing Feeding/Snacks


Hello all. My little man is currently 13 months old, and is almost completely weaned off of formula. He’s been successfully drinking more milk, and at this point is only having formula to use up the tub we have. He is sometimes using his transitional bottles, but is also using sippy cups with hard spout too.

I was wanting any advice, tips, suggestions, and any helpful information regarding how to offer him milk and/or snacks during outings (shopping and visiting other houses). Seems excess to always buy a small half gallon of whole milk for any visits to family/friends, and snacks can get messy at the store when he’s just throwing the food down on the floor.

What do you offer your toddler when going to the store, if they get hungry, and when visiting family/friends what do you bring too? As of right now for family visits I bring some of his infant/toddler snacks he still eats (puffs, yogurt melts, crunchies and so on), along with some water, fruit and pb&j’s or toddler meal in case he doesn’t want their food.

I recently saw that there are little milk boxes (same as juice boxes), and I was wondering if those are worth the buy? If you’ve used them, are they easy to pour into a sippy cup?