There can be hope when spotting


I want to start off by saying that I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant. At the beginning of my pregnancy I had spotting for a 2 to 3 week span. Went to OB, got betas drawn twice there were good but he could not find the cause during transvaginal ultrasound. However, he stated that we should stop having intercourse for a while and at the spotting and should stop on his own. We stop for four weeks until our next doctors appointment, and all the spotting had stop when we did resume I had no further problems. The only thing that I think that he could’ve been was a sensitive cervix and that the friction from intercourse caused it. During those 2 to 3 weeks I just knew that everything was over. I had loss all hope because I have had four miscarriages in the past. But it was still a thought in my mind and everything will be OK and he sure was by the grace of God. He kept me my baby covered and he will do the same for you ladies so I don’t lose faith when God say your time, it will all come to pass.