Wanted to share our story from Bottle to Breast ( NICU stay post Birth)


Our sweet baby came at 36 wks , she faced some NICU time and was introduced a bottle there. When it came time for her to get discharged lactation consultants did tell me it’s a lot more difficult to put NICU stay baby to a breast then a new newborn.

I waved my hand and told my self ( who’s are they to say, I’ve done this plenty times before.)

We got home and I put her to the breast , from the bet she had hard time latching but I kept trying, couple days pass she had her doctors app and her weight has gotten down , her Ruben levels keep elevating . Her doctor gave me choices to ether top her off with more breast milk or formula via bottle after feeds . At that point I gave in and started using the nipple shield that I have gotten in the NICU and that worked wonders she started to gain weight! I nursed her with a nipple shield until her levels regulated for jaundice and she was awake enough to nurse better! That is what we did for about 4 wks her latches were very painful she was destroying my nipples it was a very painful and torturing journey. But I didn’t give up ( baby did) exactly at 8 wks of her life she refused my Breast she didn’t even want to take them with nipple shields. I was so sad I cried for days like I lost our relationship with her!

Some time passed I got my self together and I decided I won’t quit and I’ll pump for her, now I however never exclusively pumped for any of my kids and I had nooooo idea what exclusive pumping is , how much time and patience and dedication  you need to be successful in that journey! it’s not take out boob and be done its constantly being on schedule constantly washing sanitizing “ you can’t just go to sleep when your tierd” I have the biggest respect for moms that exclusively pump . And ppl that say it’s a lazy way or easier way of feeding a baby “ they ether never had a baby or never fed there baby” anyway just had to put that out there!

Thankfully I had alot of milk that wasn’t the issue , issues was by 1.5 months of pumping I was giving up I wanted my sleep at night so for me not to wake up during the night I had to wait till 1 am to pump then to put everything away and go to sleep took me 1 hour because my sessions were between 35 min , I was even counting down how many more oz I need to feeeze before weaning because I was just done! I couldn’t do it any more I was over it! And then comes the day she went back in the breast at that point she is now 3.5 Months old having her bottles like always and I needed to pump didn’t have any milk for her, at this point I’m going 4 hours with no pump so I decide to put her on the breast ( now earlier when I would put her in the breast she would only be ok with the first most strong let down and then she was done! Would start to get fussy and scream eventually) so to me In my head I’ll regret it and will have to pump regardless. Well this particular time it was unexpected and most unbelievable feed ever “ she latched so well like she has been nursing since birth emptied my breast and fell asleep” I couldn’t believe what had happened, I cried for joy! And she has been breastfeeding ever since!

My advice is if your baby is or was in NICU or your dealing with rough time with latching or what ever your breastfeeding journey might be don’t give up! Keep trying and have faith! If we could do it


I hope my story helped at least one mom out there!

Picture of my precious Baby girl !

And all the extra milk we are blesssed with!