My best friend is my soulmate

Rose Royce

So, I have known this guy for 12 years. When I first saw him, I nicknamed him Cutie in my phone. Someone mentioned that he has kids so I naturally assumed he was taken and immediately friend-zoned him. In 2019, I gave birth to my daughter. He has called her his little girl since she was eight months old. He has been telling me I love you for the past 2 years. I took it as friendship love. Fast forward to the end of July this year when i ask him for advice about a relationship. I was already on the verge of leaving her because of the names she was calling me because of something I didn't want to do.

He asked me about a dream I had about him a few months prior. So before I told him the details of that dream (I had been denying to tell him for a while), I asked if he was married. His response was no, was I. I told him no. I asked if he had a girlfriend and he hesitated. I almost shut down the conversation when he responded with a sigh about it being complicated because she isn't who he wants. I finally relent and tell him about the dream. He said he has wanted me from the moment he laid eyes on me 12 years ago.

Just from him saying that, I knew. I fell in love that day at that very moment. Any crushes on people or feelings I had for an old flame were instantly gone. He has me completely.

We both want more children. I only have 1 and would love to give her a sibling she knows (that's a long story). He has 4. At first, he wanted to try immediately and we did. But around the beginning of August, after trying, something happened and now he wants to wait until our 2 year anniversary saying that my daughter would be jealous if I had a baby now.

I've been on Ozempic for over 2 years. My dosage was increased the middle of July. My last NORMAL CYCLE was brought on by him on August 4th. I have explained to him that the ones since then have been too light to be normal. But since he wants us to wait, I relent to the wait. With that, I have what he says is PMS 😒, the nausea, vomiting, sore and heavy breasts, sore nipples, weird cravings, heightened sense of smell, fatigue, and strong urges for him to just rub my belly.

November 1, I feel a flutter and I get really happy. I'm out doing deliveries for Uber. No biggie. I feel it again a few hours later. I'm like I think I know what that is. Next day, not even thinking about it, I'm out doing deliveries again. I feel it again. Since then, I have told him what I've been feeling and my thoughts. He says that it's in my head because I want it so much. Now these flutters have been increasing (the number of times a day I feel them). I told him again this morning when we were fooling around. He still says the same thing. I only think about it when I feel these flutters.

I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 21st. I have a bet going with him. If I'm right, I get 2 nights a month of his undivided attention. If he is right, I will patiently wait 😩 until our 2 year anniversary. What do you think?