Would you let your 14 year old go to a concert

You found out she lost her virginity. We took her phone and she’s not getting that back. The concert was paid for months ago and it’s coming up soon. (Her and Dad were going) It’s been about 3 weeks since the incident. Also we have movie tickets to see the Beyoncé film. Do we eliminate all of that on top of the phone and she can’t go hang out with her friends? She’s in therapy now

(I do feel weird not letting her have her phone with so much going on in the world today) but I feel like she will just do what she wants to do and not respect our wishes of not being fresh when it comes to guys in her phone

****Update; Thank you all so much I really appreciate the feed back. My husband is the one that is more hardcore and I’m the more lenient one. I never wanted to take the concert away but I think what had us more upset was her doing it outside and giving two boys (head) in a public place smh. Nevertheless I will take this time to strengthen our bond. She typically talks to me and we’ve definitely had plenty of conversations with her prior to this happening. I will apologize to her and tell her we can still go to the concert. I will continue therapy and find her something to get involved in. Again I appreciate all of the feedback ❤️🙏🏽