Clingy 3 yr old?

So I’ve noticed my 3 yr old being super clingy the past few weeks- she either wants me to pick her up & hold her, or if I’m sitting she’s literally on top of me without even breathing space practically.

She’s always been a cuddler, but lately its been 24/7. I feel SO MUCH MOM GUILT because for the first time ever, I’ve been completely touched out. I’ve been trying to hold her for short amounts of time (she’s getting pretty big now) and when I’m sitting, I try to have her sit next to me vs directly on top, but it’s not working & I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on, how I can meet her needs, and without me losing my marbles. I’ve gotten frustrated more than once & I feel absolutely terrible about it.

We’re in the middle of trying to prep to move too, so I’m sure you can imagine how much more stressful it’s been to try to pack & clean & have a little koala attached to you. I was wondering if this is maybe her way of processing the move? Maybe her sense of routine/normalcy/security/familiarity feels disrupted so she’s clinging to the one definite & constant thing in her life (me- I’m a SAHM) ?

It is only her second move in her life, the first one she was a lot smaller & probably didn’t understand/care as much. But I have been telling & explaining to the kids for months now that we are moving, so that they have the max amount of process time. I’ve also been answering all their questions about it, could this been why she’s had this type of behavior, or is it a phase? Either way, how to I help both of us?

Thanks in advance

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