How long did your bleeding/cramps last?


*Update: I ended up having a D&E procedure to remove retained tissue from the miscarriage, a month later. It immediately relieved my pain and bleeding and I conceived within the following two weeks. Now I am 26 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby.* I miscarried (or discovered my miscarriage) at 7 weeks pregnant, two weeks ago now, when my brown spotting became red gushing at work. It was the heaviest bleeding I've ever seen from a human being and I've worked in healthcare and I've seen a lot. The doctor, worried by the rate at which I was losing blood, gave me several different meds several different times to try to slow the bleeding but nothing worked so he gave me a very painful IM injection and an IV with more meds and sent me home with my RN husband who would watch me. The bleeding did finally stop "gushing" late that night (8 hours later) but still flowed heavier than my heaviest period for a solid week. The next week it slooowly became darker and a less volume. Now, starting my third week, its still smearing brown. Also my HCG levels are still about 4k two weeks later and going down, but again, slowly. Anyone else have this experience?