So confused..miscarriage or no?


Well, I got pregnant for the first time naturally after many years of infertility. At my 6 week appointment it turned out that they diagnosed me with an empty sac which was 5mm thick (about 5 weeks old) so they made me wait and I came back a week later...well it turns out it wasn't empty, the sac grew to 10mm and we could see something inside (which made us think that we were only a week late) but still didn't have a heartbeat, they asked me to return next Wednesday (just 3 days later!!?), but just yesterday I got a little blood wheb i wiped...only once! I do not know what to think!! Will it be the beginning of a miscarriage? Why did the baby grow if it was a blighted ovum the drs said? I'm not sure whether to have hope or not :'(