Getting fluids in child who won’t drink

Thanks for the suggestions, he took a long nap and we finally were able to coax him into drinking some water that I splashed with some pedialyte. He seems to be moving in the right direction but I’ll still be monitoring him overnight.

My 4 y.o. has been having diarrhea nonstop all day. He’s not peeing and he refuses to drink everything. I can’t even get him to eat a popsicle. He won’t eat. We just got back from the doctor who suspects it’s a side effect from the antibiotic he’s been on and said if he isn’t peeing and won’t drink by tonight to take him to the er for iv fluids. I absolutely will if it gets to that point, but I’m hoping for ideas to try BEFORE we reach that point. He has autism and I can’t bear the thought of them sticking a needle in him, he will flip out. The only er nearby is full of jerks too. We were there when he was 3 after he flipped over the back of a chair and the nurse called him a crybaby and fake cried at him because he didn’t want his dad to set him down so he could stand on the scale.