Horrible induction 😭

Cheyann💕 • 01/14/2018💙 03/13/2021🩷 11/10/2022🩷 11/21/2023🩷 01/28/2025❓

Got induced Tuesday due to iugr gave birth at 2:24 pm to my little peanut 38w 5d she is 6pounds 5oz 19 3/4 inches long I can’t even 🥺🩷

But let me also add I really wish I had not been induced the pain was so terrible then my cervix closed before my placenta passed and let me tell you having your placenta removed manually is one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced!

I had a pain medication-free birth and baby I felt everything I was more than sure I almost kicked the doctor upside the head lol she just kept saying I’m sorry I’m sorry and this afterbirth pain and bleeding is something serious

I’m just like this doctor was really wrist deep in my vagina 😂😂😂😂😂😵‍💫 but yea so upset I got induced she was definitely going to come naturally on her own in a matter of time I was 4cm when I got to the hospital yesterday and my body was preparing itself for birth so I’m definitely sad about that could have avoided so much pain and trauma 😭😭

She also had a bowel movement before she was born they were stressing my poor little peanut out then she came out holding her freaking breath lol bout gave me a heart attack but yea she is a little tiny thing tho like no way you weigh 6p 5oz 19 3/4 inches long🥹🩷

My little chocolate drop is 9 days old and her color has came in 🥹