Dear sister

It's been 5 years since you died, 6 in October. I still miss you terribly, your birthday is the 16th and it's going to be just as hard as it was the first year you were gone. Just another reminder that your not here. That you won't be here to see me get married in July, you won't be here to see your nieces or nephews, and you won't be here when I need you most. I should be OK by now, but I don't feel ok. Sometimes I feel so alone even with my fiance around. Everyone else has moved on and I feel like I should be able to go about my days just like they do. I have dreams about you and the accident, sometimes I'm in the car with you when you hit the tree and I can hear your neck snap and sometimes I'm watching from outside of it . It doesn't matter where I am I can't help you, I can't make you survive the impact, and it makes me feel.... I don't know...helpless. I guess I just miss you