Period after weaning


I just want to feel better and stop bleeding.

I got my period back fairly quickly after having my son. Seriously, my pp bleeding completely stopped around 4ish weeks, and I got my period around 6 weeks. I got the copper iud at 8 weeks and haven’t had any issues with it. I actually forget about it quite often! We EBF (no long-term pumping, no supplementing) up until a little after a year. Our last nursing session was the night of December 2nd. I started this period on December 6th. It started off light, mostly brown actually, and progressed into a normal period around day 3-4 (December 8-9) like usual. Around day 8 (December 13), it started getting lighter, so I thought the end was near. However, it never stopped. Instead, it progressively got heavier again over a few days, and now I’m on day 20. I’m soaking pads every 4ish hours. The cramps radiate through my entire abdomen, lower back, and down into my upper thighs. The outer/visible parts of my lady business feels bruised, like there’s constant pressure. Tylenol takes the edge off so I can walk, sit, lay down, carry my son, and eventually get to sleep at night. And not to mention the emotional part (anxiety and depression symptoms more severe than baby blues were, insomnia, but when I do get to sleep, I do not want to wake up in the morning. I constantly feel like I can’t do anything right, like my husband can’t do anything right, and I get overstimulated/irritated at the drop of a hat. My husband and I had a huge fight before Christmas. We barely spoke which made me even more miserable, I’m sure it wasn’t exactly fun for my husband either. Other things that go through my head: I don’t like this house, I want to move. I don’t want to be a sahm anymore, I want to go to work.) this is also one of the worst break outs I’ve had since I’ve had my son. Can anyone relate? If this happened to you, how did you get all this to stop? Any advice?