Misplaced hope

BookFully • 🤰🏻Baby #1 due Feb ‘25 👼🏻Dec ‘23

“We are sometimes disappointed by the Lord's plans, but often that's because - with hearts tainted by a fallen world- we've misplaced our hope all along. If our hope was truly in the Lord, we wouldn't be quite as angry when we don't get what we desire.”

This is from the book Longing for Motherhood by Chelsea Patterson Sobolik, page 126.

I’m so grateful for this book. I now see that my hope was not so much in the Lord but rather in, OPK tests, ovulating on time, having enough sex within the ovulation window and of course getting pregnant. Though I still desire to be a mother one day, I can’t put my hope in that. My focus in 2024 will be to learn to hope in the Lord no matter what his plans are for me.

I wanted to share this for anyone who’s been feeling down, tired, sad and angry like I have been.