Weird reaction to morphine-am I allergic?

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

I cannot stop thinking about this and I’m so sorry if I am annoying. So back story, I had an ovarian cyst full of blood rupture and I had to go to the ER, and they gave me morphine and as soon as the morphine went through the IV my entire body cramped up and I curled up in this weird and painful muscle spasm and was just locked up like that for a minute, my jaw was clamped and I couldnt even communicate what was happening and it was excruciating for me because my entire body was already hurting. I had them put down in my chart that I am allergic to morphine because I don’t know what that was and never want it to happen again. They also gave me Benadryl because the nurses witnessed the entire thing and were afraid it was an allergy… but they DID say they had no explanation for that. Benadryl was precaution.

Fast forward years later I’m in the ER for severe stomach pain for an unrelated issue and the ER doctor was… trying to talk me into taking morphine. She had me explain what happened when I had it last and said “that doesn’t sound like an allergic reaction to me.” And I said “please do not give me morphine.” And we settled on fentanyl.

I don’t know what to think of that at all. Do you think that reaction to morphine was just a one time freak reaction?