feeling alone during pregnancy

do you guys ever feel like your partner doesn't love you as much as they say? idk if it's cause the weather or cause of the pregnancy hormones, but i just feel alone all the time

my boyfriend and i moved in together a little over 2 months ago, i have 2 daughters from a previous relationship and about a week or so after we moved in together i found out i was pregnant

my boyfriend and i had some issues about a year into the relationship cause i felt like i wasn't a priority, his family, friends and going to his camp in the middle of the busch with 0 cell reception with his family was always a priority...i made this known to him and things changed big time for a year, i had 0 complaints..which is why we decided to move in together. my 2 daughters are autistic and nonverbal,so they just don't understand dangerous situations very well making it hard for us to go, during the summer it's easy but during the colder months im not comfortable taking them cause they hear with wood stoves, and don't understand they can't touch it..they're only 2 and 3

i don't expect him to stay home with us all the time, but he works a labour intensive job so he's always exhausted when he gets home, and then he's gone every weekend..this pregnancy isn't easy, im really sick and just feeling so shitty...so feeling sick all the time, taking care of 2 toddlers and never having my boyfriend around is really taking a toll on my mental health and idk how to tell him, cause i feel like i shouldn't have to ask him to spend time with us, cause if he really wanted to he would..

i just don't know what to do, going back on my meds isn't an option because it's not safe, but i feel like im drowning...i really am so inlove with him, i just feel like it's not mutual :/ he says he's inlove with me, and when he's here and not sleepy after work it's amazing...but when he's not, which is more than half the time im just so upset and lonely, idk what to do...i don't have many friends and i feel like if im around family ill just cry