WHAT is this ? Regular rash or Cold sore !?

About 2 days ago I had this breakout on my face and later my lips.. thou today it has gotten worse. The bumps are more visible now.

At First it was just like a minor itching sensation for a short while and then stopped.

TODAY it’s like my focus is just there , it feels like my lips have a little inflammation to them sorta ? Like They feel slightly plump/plush with the slightest and I mean slightest tingle sensation, feels like I’ve applied a lip plumper on is best described but it’s a minor sensation.

They aren’t itchy; I haven’t felt the need to itch at them or like squeeze my lips together.

I get little rashes on my lips (mainly my top lip) here and there because I have eczema. It has never gotten like this though.

(To add. I developed a breakout scattered through my face and the lips were th last to get broken out. The tingly / slight itch is what’s getting to me BUT at the same time my whole face itches wherever it has the breakout.)

I’m not sexually active. I haven’t been for quite some time now.

I just want to see what anyone has to say on here while I wait to get to the doctor…