Pumping Quick Fix?!


I stopped pumping when my daughter turned 1 because I had so much milk in the freezer. She only goes to daycare one day per week and I had plenty left to send for a few months.

Now she’s 14mo, I haven’t pumped in 2 months, and I’m about to go on a trip for 5 days. I nurse her 5-6 times a day still. I have some milk in the freezer still but not enough for 6 bottles a day while one gone. I know she’ll be fine with less but I wanted to leave my husband with a bit extra and I’m also going to pump while I’m away to maintain my supply.

Anyway, the past few days I’ve been pumping and getting NOTHING. I know I can’t expect much between nursing sessions, but today she is at daycare and I’m still getting nothing. Not a drop. Not with my electric pump, not with my hand pump, not when I try to hand express. I have all new pump parts. The flange is the right size. I don’t know what’s going on!

Any tips? I’m wondering if it’s worth lugging my pump on this trip if I’m not even expressing anything, but I also don’t want to come back and not be able to nurse anymore. I was also really hoping to have at least 1-2 bottles of fresh milk to leave for her!