Leaving 2 month old baby

Hi, I’m currently pregnant with my second child, this will be my partners first. I’m due next month.

I breastfed my daughter and didn’t leave her for anytime until she was about 1. Covid played a big part in this too as we were on lockdown.

My partner thinks I’m being awkward as we have been invited to a wedding at the end of April, children aren’t invited, and I have said I’m not going as I feel the baby is too young to be left and I don’t want to anyway. The wedding isn’t local and we would have to stay over.

He thinks I’m making excuses because I don’t want to go and said other people leave their newborn baby so why can’t I.

I don’t know how to approach the situation or how to explain it to him… even if I wasn’t planning on breastfeeding I still think a baby of 2 months old is still young to be left.

Looking for advice on how to approach this situation best?