Is He Abusive?

In the last 3 years, my husband has started name calling, and mocking me whenever we get into arguements. I believe it is verbal abuse since he tells me to shut the eff up, calls me a effing b, tells me im an immature little girl, or just recently an effin dumb a**. He has said these things to me in front of our 2 - and 5 year old. He gaslights me, tring to say I started it and tries to act as though he is right in saying these things to me since he thinks I started it. I've even begun to see him start to verbally lash out on my girls when he gets tired of dealing with them. He screams "NO!" At them at the top of his lungs as if he were talking to someone trying to end him or something. He tries to escape his home duties as much as possible by golfing 2-3 times a week or being on Xbox for 4-10 hours at a time. He changes the girls Kindle timers to "unlimited" so that they won't bother him even though I tell him i set it to 1 hour max for a reason. Both girls have gone through periods (at different times) of getting terrible rashes because he doesn't change them while playing Xbox. I believe he has a dependency on alcohol and porn which causes him to make poor choices in front of our girls.

I'm thinking of divorce. I would like to get full custody. I have no documentation. What do I need to do to ensure I get full custody?