Bladder/uterine prolapse?


I will be going to my doctor but I want some input in the meantime.

What were your symptoms with a bladder and/or uterine prolapse?

I am a few weeks shy of turning 24, I have two kids (4.5 years and 15 months.) When I was pushing with my 15 month old she was trying to come before I was fully dilated so she was putting a lot of pressure on my cervix, she ended up getting stuck on the anterior portion of my cervix and I needed to move to a standing position to push safely. The first few weeks postpartum I couldn’t sit comfortably. I didn’t tear at all with my second birth but it still hurt more than sitting with my second degree tear from my first birth. It felt like my cervix was outside of my vagina. When I went to my postpartum appointment I brought up these concerns and everything was apparently fine.

Back in August my iud slipped down into my cervix and was causing me lots of pain until I had it removed.

I started my most recent period on December 19th. It lasted through the 27th. Around this time started experiencing uti-like symptoms. I went to the doctor and the test came up negative. I also started bleeding again on the 29th, like a period, and I am still currently having a light-moderate amount of bleeding every day with quarter size clots regularly. The uti symptoms haven’t gone away fully. I constantly feel like my bladder needs to be emptied even if I just went to the bathroom, there is discomfort AFTER I urinate, and I feel pressure in my pelvic area. The symptoms are worse in the morning and come and go throughout the day.

My cervix has felt much lower, maybe an inch above the vaginal opening. It feels like the anterior wall of my vagina is sagging a bit, if I push on it, it will move in. I can no longer wear a menstrual cup and I can’t insert a tampon while sitting anymore.

Does this sound like prolapse may be a possibility?

What does treatment look like if it is?

Edit***thanks for the comments, no prolapse but a raging uti. I’m glad someone knows how to test urine properly, lol. I was recommended some PT exercises to help my pelvic floor.