Gestational diabetes questions

Curious what others experiences with Gd have been and if this is normal.

So I just recently failed the 3 hr my middle two numbers were elevated. They told me I have to go on a low carb zero sugar diet until baby is born and track my sugars 4x per day. So my first day I ate my normal day to day diet first because well I just went grocery shopping the day before I found out as well as curious how my current diet was affecting my numbers.

And my numbers were all well within normal range.

Fasting 81

Breakfast ( bagel, 2 eggs & coffee with cream and sugar) 1 hr after was 95

Lunch ( salami sandwhich on white bread with chips and lemonade) 128

If you had gd were your numbers fine on you regular diet but still went on there special diet?

I’m gonna cut out sugar and make healthier choices but if you had GD did you have to go on that strict of diet ? I feel like it’s a tad over kill given my sugars aren’t out of control or outside or close to being outside the normal limits. But maybe I’m just misunderstanding. Cause they want me to cut out 100% sugar can’t even have honey or sweet n low. Also can only have 2 small servings of fruit per day.

Tips, advice please.