I don’t know what to do.. just need to rant


I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant for the second time and I could feel so much better than I do since I found out I was pregnant I have had some of the nausea ever and I can barely eat sometimes.. I had a long lists of what i’ve tried to help me with it and medication that don’t do any good for me. No one is taking me seriously except a couple friends and a mommy friend.

I have been so sick that it’s triggering my depression and I had stopped my meds when I found out, I got sick with some viral strain of streptococcus, vomiting and a very bad cough for almost 2+ weeks, I had cultures and blood tests come back from my OB that are concerning, I also just found out I been dealing with a yeast infection for the last 2weeks which has also been affecting me with pelvic pain from growing pains i guess but I can barely move when I get them.

But out of everything I’ve dealt with since being pregnant, my fiancé is getting on me about keeping our space clean and still cooking .. where’s that pick up the slack partnership we spoke about ?? I knew this pregnancy was going to be different from my first but i didn’t expect all that i’m dealing with and i feel he is not trying to understand but just calls me lazy, picky and dramatic … sometimes he’ll help and take care of me and our daughter but then if he don’t feel up to it he complains about me not doing what i’m supposed to… when I actually have been cleaning when i get burst of energy and i just cooked a day ago and there’s left overs which he didn’t want anymore and made burgers yesterday instead ..I just feel worse about everything and i can’t tell you how many times i’ve cried this pregnancy already. I don’t want another traumatic pregnancy experience.