Secondary Infertility

I’m in the part of TTC where the start of my menstrual cycle brings me to tears. My first pregnancy took 9 months to conceive followed by a miscarriage and D&C. I got pregnant the following month and had a successful pregnancy. We are headed into month 10 of TTC and I can’t help but feel like something is wrong.

I grew up in a big family and heard all my aunts and my grandmother talk about how fertile they all were. I was told that getting pregnant again would be so easy after having a baby. I knew that wasn’t true, but I really hoped it was.

I’m 32 and pretty healthy. My cycle is regular and I’m ovulating every month. I do have hypothyroidism, but take medication and my levels are normal. I do work overnight and am starting to wonder if maybe that’s part of my problem. Tell me all the tips and tricks I need to try over the next couple of months before we are sent off to fertility.