Baby update & question about breached babies

marie • Here’s the Walmart one I will comment it under my pinned post since i can’t pin both

Due march 28th

Baby girl is measuring a day ahead so she’s at 30 weeks when Iam only 29 weeks 6 days pregnant they said she was almost 4 pounds

But there are concerned about her being breached she’s feet down they said with me being almost in my 30 weeks pregnancy I go back in 2 weeks they gave me exercises to try to help her turn if she hasn’t turned by 36 weeks they were talking about possible c-section to be scheduled at 37 weeks

I do have a question who other mommas who had breached babies I’ve never had a breached baby before it she’s our 3rd but so far most stubborn baby so far

1. Did the exercises help ur little one turn.

2. Have you ever had a breached baby at 30 weeks and they turn on their own within time to make there appearance.

3. What would you recommend to do to help try to get her to move into position any tips and tricks that seem to work for us to try as well as the exercises they gave us