I need advice.. please 🙏🏻


I'm sorry.. there is a lot of writing. This is for me, but I would also like some nice advice for women who understand this and have experience in this.

I had sex on December 24, 25, and 26. Multiple times throughout those 3 days, and he didn't pull out once. We didn't use protection and I'm not on birth control. I also had sex on the 7th and the 14th of January. It's been 3 ++ weeks since December 24, 25 & 26. According to this app I am 2 days late. On some other apps it tells me I am 1 day late. I took 2 test January 15 at 8 and 9 pm, and 1 test January 16 at 12 am and I got 3 faint results.

(To clear)

January 15, 8 pm- Very very very Faint Test result. (First Response Early Results)

January 15, 9 pm- Very very very Faint Test result. (First Response Early Results)

January 16, 12 am- very very very very Faint Test result. (First Response Early Results.)

The test I took January 16 was more faint than the other two. I took another test today and it looks negative to me. I can't tell if there is a line on the test, but for today's test I used a One Step Pregnancy Test. (Test 5 days before missed period) it was 12:50 pm when I took that one.

My symptoms:

My boobs have been hurting for about a week. I have been cramping for a couple of days. I like very light headed, my entire body hurts. My lower back and my upper back. I'm having bad acne. I've been very bloated. I can't tell if there are PMS or early symptoms.

My questions:

Could I be pregnant or could I have ovulated later than what this app says?

When should I take my next test if my period doesn't start?

Please help. I would like advice from a lot of people. it helps with my impatience. If you have time to comment something and answer my questions and give me some advice on what to do that would be great. I would also like some stories about your personal experience with this.

Thanks 😊🤍