Update on my rainbow baby xxx


As you probably know I had an ectopic pregnancy in October 2023 and lost my Angel baby on the 12th I thought it was the 11th but it was the 12th October 2023 October is a cursed month for our family but it got great for me because I’m that same month I also gained my rainbow baby I didn’t know how to react about this pregnancy it didn’t seem real I done 12 test for my Angel baby and 15 for my rainbow baby but moving forward I recently used sneak peek to find out the gender of my rainbow baby as I didn’t know the gender of my Angel baby and needed to know I was constantly anxious as that was my first ectopic pregnancy I’ve been having private scans and scans from the hospital to keep my mind at ease and got a feral heart Doppler too but getting off track my baby is doing great I’m currently 13 weeks and 5 days still anxious but more excited and I’m getting an early gender scan done so I can find out the sex of my baby but with sneak peek it’s a babyboy so I hope it’s right and the scan says the same I’ll be so happy then as I’ll have my own little pattern going on then but that’s not my real reason but that’s for another day I hope it comes back a boy and if I remember I’ll keep you updated I just wanted to put this on here to get it off my chest xxx