I threw up during sexy time

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

Y’all… so I had strep last week and finished my antibiotics yesterday. I was on 500 mg azithromycin for 5 days. I’m still… I feel better than I was but I am still sick, my throat is still red and raw and I’m still having body aches and snot. I called my doctor today and told him all of this (I went to urgent care not my primary for diagnosis and antibiotics) and I haven’t heard back.

Well earlier my boyfriend and I were doing the deed and I started getting light headed and nauseas..like the motion of doing all that had me like “get up get up!” And he had to run and grab a trash can for me to throw up in. So I don’t think… I am getting better like I’m supposed to. I’m not even embarrassed by all that I’m just upset that I still feel so damn awful.

I tried to be freaky and got queezy 😑