Welcome Rylee Belle


Turns out my prodromal labor I was having for days was actually labor that was stalling out. So after laboring for 24 hours with no progress at our birth center we were transferred to the hospital. Babies heart rate a little wonky so they decided to keep me and figure out induction vs c section. We also found out that baby was positioned with her ear to my cervix and that’s why labor had stalled at 6cm. I had an amazing intake nurse that used to be a doula. She had me do side lying releases and inversions. So once we got babies heart rate to settle they said okay to Pitocin because my body still wasn’t doing anything. We started the Pitocin around 11:30pm. I tried to get some sleep and huge contraction woke me up at 1:30-2 it felt like I got punched in the cervix. Then my water broke on its own. It was full on labor like I had been waiting for and it was intense. I got in the shower and used hot water to get through the contractions and then tried gas and air which did nothing for me. Then I begged for the epidural they said they would call him. But ten minutes later I said I have to poop and really really meant it and the hospitals midwife came in and asked to check me and said nope you’re a ten let’s get baby out that’s not a poop. I pushed for maybe 15 minutes and shot her out completely unmedicated. The midwife got scared she had shoulder dystocia because her head came out still wonky so she screamed at me to flip over mid contraction and I pushed as hard as I could and baby came out very hard and fast. But she didn’t have shoulder dystocia she just still had a wonky head presentation. I ended up hemorrhaging and baby had to go to NICU due to her o2 not being great. But we’re both getting better and I’m praying we can go home in the next few days together. It wasn’t the delivery we expected or planned for but that’s birth for you.

Rylee Belle

4:01 AM

8lbs 10oz