Is it too late?


I lost my daughter at 17 weeks pregnant in the summer of 2022 with no explanation. I thought I could deal with it on my own without speaking to a counselor or therapist. I’ve noticed that my anxiety has gotten so much worse over the littlest things. I went to have a cavity filled a few weeks ago and when they numbed my mouth before starting I had what I believe would have been a panic attack. It took me back to the moment they gave me an epidural to deliver her, I guess the feeling of being numb and not being able to move my legs somehow connected to not being able to feel my mouth (sounds silly I know). I had so many health complications, and was admitted to the hospital several times after delivering. I don’t know if I should try to seek therapy or counseling or if it’s been too long ago for that. Any input from similar experiences would be greatly appreciated 😞