Insane mama bear

Everyone talks about how friends, family, acquaintances… relationships in general can possibly change/ switch up once a baby is born. But… NOBODY ever talks about how sometimes the mom is the one who definitely switches up on everybody! I personally do not have any children but I love kids (infertile). A really close friend of mine is a new mom and when I say I was over the moon ecstatic for her I was seriously excited. Well things took an awkward turn when she would confide in me her concerns, or even ask for advice regarding her baby. For example, her newborn baby skin was completely dry especially the baby mouth. She said she was feeding him only twice a day. So I inserted my input and said I believe you are supposed to be feeding every few hours so the dry and chap skin could be due to dehydration but please call and ask your doctor or look at the papers they gave you at discharge. (Please let me know if I am wrong). Of course she made the typical “you’re not a mom idk why I asked you” & hung up. I left it alone because obviously I didn’t want no smoke. So for a few weeks I have been texting/calling no response… until she sent me a message stating she did not appreciate me mom shaming her and how weird I was for being jealous? (I was completely shocked!!!!) So I responded “I never was being weird or had jealous energy or ill intent. I only suggested a few hours due to seeing my sisters/cousins feeding their new borns every few hours I also said ask your doctor. I’m sorry you feel I mom shamed you but I did not.” She responded sure when your uterus actually start to work and you have a baby and mess up tell me how that makes you feel…. Needless to say I can’t even blame postpartum for how she acting towards me. Would I be wrong if I just ghost her?

Edit: I do believe she fixed the feeding. No I am not close with her partner, I don’t even know him. I just really feel she felt guilty but took it out on me for whatever odd reason.