Teenage Relationships


My 13 year old daughter has had boyfriend since last May. He's a good kid and I have never had a problem with him until recently. I will periodically check my daughter's phone and saw a discussion they had recently. She had expressed not always wanting to be on her phone and that means she won't always answer his texts right away. He didn't handle that well and said she's his only friend and he has nothing to do when he's not talking to him. This went on and on for multiple messages. Him crying and saying how upset he was because she just wanted time away from her phone. (This behavior isn't new. I have seen in text before this is how he behaves with his parents) My daughter stood her ground though and explained why she wanted this. After I told my husband, he has been concerned about her spending as much time with him as she does and thinks we should limit the days they hangout after school. Now I have an angry daughter and a husband frustrated with me because I don't want to be as restrictive as him. I'm not sure restricting time together is the best course of action. Do we even say anything? Any advice is appreciated ❤️