I’m feeling super jealous and mad rn

And I know someone is going to call me crazy or controlling and toxic but my boyfriend has this friend that he works with. That’s the only time they hang out. My boyfriend goes to this guys house long enough to pick him up and drop him off. There have been a few times he had to stay a little longer because we’ve been having car problems. His friends gf has taken them to work a few times. They live 10 minutes from the job. But she just sent my bf a friend request on Facebook and it’s irritating me. I think it’s weird that girls think they’re friends with their mans friends and shit. She barely knows my bf and like I said. They don’t hang out much at all outside of work so what’s the point in adding your mans friends ? I know my bf is going to call me crazy if I say something to him about it. I’m trying not to be that gf that gets jealous but it’s bothering me I guess because I don’t do that to the few friends I have or whomever else. Idk.

I’m not even going to bring it up to him as much as it bothers me. But some of you are saying that it’s just a friend request. There’s absolutely no reason to be adding your friends SOs on any social media platform if you don’t hang out with them especially if you don’t even know them. Her boyfriend’s friends are not her friends. I don’t add his friends unless they’re close friends and I actually know and speak to them often. Women are shady as fuck so yes I have a problem with it. She doesn’t know my boyfriend like that and has only taken him to work TWICE. I don’t add anyone of the opposite sex so he can have enough respect to not do it too.