A Four Headed Creature With Extra Heads Dream


2 days ago I had a dream about a four headed creature and their body is hiding behind the clouds. It's a brown bear, a horse, a frog, a eagle, and a human. But there's more. The human one was conjoined and the other 2 were not like the four heads and conjoined heads. One was on the right and the other on the left. One is another human head and the other is a random animal head an md this was broad daylight and I was in this cabin like mini mansion apartment and walking up to them through the window and the heads just floats and did nothing in peace. After waking up it reminds me so much of the four headed angel named Cherubim, that Isaiah saw in the Old Testament but his description is a lion, human, eagle, and bull. Meanwhile mine is a bear, horse, eagle, frog, conjoined human, another human, and a random animal. Is there another meaning to mine compared to Isaiah's?