Just need a rant

I’m so excited for our second baby that we planned to start trying for this month but we decided to wait and make sure we can be as ready as possible. With rent being so high right now we can’t afford a three bedroom and I don’t want to have to stick a young baby in with our would be 2 year old. Also I am only 21 but feel like I’m having a midlife crisis. I went to school originally out of highschool for premed and wanted to have a career in surgery and went to a private catholic school bc they had a great pre med program but I’m not catholic and it was very lonely and I withdrew. I decided I wouldn’t be able to afford it and wanted to be home as much as possible with my future family. Now I can’t decide on a career I have many that I’d be content with but none that gets me as excited as being a surgeon. I don’t know what to do and I feel like I’m failing my son from not having it planned out like I should. Its overwhelming thinking abt going back to college I feel like I’ve been out of the school setting for too long and I’m not smart enough anymore. It’s hard to be around other kids my age that don’t have kids and have their life planned out or friends that have kids but waited and they already have completed most of their college.