Soooo Confused.... Thoughts????


Glow estimated ovulation was Jan.15th. Had sex either 3 or 5 days prior, forget to log :( around the 24th I started feeling faint cramps/tugging feeling in pelvic area which lasted a couple days. Estimated period start date was the 31st but I had very light red/pinkish spotting 3 days early on Jan. 28th and notice a little irregular breathing off and on, the 29th was a very small light flow/spotting more pinkish this day and by the 30th it switched over to a mix of light pinkish and brown and by the end of the night it stopped I was having very little nausea during those days and the nausea has increased as the days go by especially depending on what I end up eating and is worse in morning and at night of course when I'm ready for bed along with fatigue, bloating feeling, and breasts were/are a little sore feeling and urinating just a little more than usual. I took the first test on Jan. 29th it was a negative, 2nd test was on Jan. 31st with oddly and confusingly a very faint pink line but it's above the control line and the last home test was on Feb. 2nd purchased from a different store with a brighter faint pink line again above the control line... I have never seen nor heard of a PT appearing like this. I'm completely stumped!! I called my primary doctor yesterday with the confusing results and I'm going in Monday afternoon to confirm if positive or negative pregnancy. Just wanted to know if anyone has seen tests do this and what you're thoughts were before my appointment! Fingers crossed, but not getting my hopes up just yet...