Teething? Or something else?

Okay let me start off by saying my little girl has had it rough the past week or so. We were at the doc at the beginning of last week because she kept tugging at her ear. We had to see another doc in the practice because of course it was her doc's day off 🙄 Anyway she said she saw a little fluid and prescribed her amoxicillin. After 2 days she had a mild allergic reaction so I took her off of it. She had some severe tummy troubles even though I had her on probiotics which caused a terrible diaper rash 😕 I'm finally getting that cleared up but I've noticed the past few days she has been getting cranky when she gets sleepy. She went through that phase when she was a newborn but for a while now she has been falling to sleep so easily. She was also only waking up once at night and now she is waking up every hour it seems. She also has other signs of teething (drooling, sticking everything in her mouth). She is still pooping a lot but no tummy discomfort from what I can tell. My question is: Is it possible that she is starting to teeth or could this be related to the antibiotic issues? I know trouble sleeping and crankiness can be symptoms of teething, along with the more obvious symptoms. I just want to make sure before I brush it off as teething. I gave Tylenol today and that seemed to help for a while. I just want to do as much as I can to comfort her after everything she has been through the past week 😕