FET - ultrasound


Hi everyone,

I had a frozen embryo transfer on March 6, 2024. My first beta was 154 @ 12 days post transfer, doctor monitored every couple of days and were happy with the hcg numbers. He also did hcg at March 27, it was 3370. However, today I went in for my first ultrasound at 6 weeks and 2 days, gestational sac was there, yolk sac was there, baby was there, measuring on time.. however my hcg is sitting at 6000 and fetal heart rate was 79. My doc is not optimistic at this point and the nurse told me to expect a nonviable pregnancy. She said the heart rate is low at 79 and maybe the ultrasound technician picked up my heart beat instead!! They’re unsure and want me to repeat blood work and ultrasound in a week Bec of hcg level not doubling and low heart rate.

I am really anxious, does this sound right? I mean what are the possibilities of having a viable pregnancy after all of this? Anyone with similar experiences?