Long read

Just a little rant.

I was told by my pregnancy navigator to go to the hospital and get evaluated because I had many signs of preterm labor and I needed to get checked to make sure little man wasn’t trying to make his entrance 2 months early.

So I go and explain to the ER tech what’s wrong and that I was told to get checked. He then calls to the Labor and delivery floor and tell them all the wrong things so when I finally get upstairs. The nurse tells me she was told I was there for chest pains. Lack of movement. I never mentioned lack of movement or chest pains so then I had to repeat myself.

She hooked me up to the monitors and tells me she has to watch baby for 20 minutes. She came back in the room and told me that baby looks fine. Then I was sent home.

I was never checked by a doctor or told if I was actually going in to preterm labor or not just told that baby looks fine.

I get small town hospitals don’t really have much to go off of and if I am/was in preterm labor then I would have to be transferred to a bigger hospital.