Help with mold !!!!

Hey yall! I really need advice . I am a college student living in an older house because the rent is cheap. I realized a few months after moving in, the house has mold and it was making me super sick. I went and bought a really expensive air purifier . It’s so loud but it worked wonders … I’ve had to turn it off twice for different reasons and I forgot to turn it back on. Both times I woke up so sick the next morning I thought I had Covid or strep. (Obviously I got tested just to rule everything out) but we know now it’s from the mold . The other day my filter went bad , and I had to order a new one online, it came in the next day but ofc I got sick overnight. It’s been 4 days and I still feel like im swallowing glass. I’ve even been staying at my parents house. How do you guys get rid of a sore throat due to mold?

I’ve tried warm tea and honey , salt water gargle , alkaseltzer, ibuprofen and tylonel. Nothing seems to help.