1st Post - Mira Chart

Hey y’all, I’m new to really TTC as well as using the Mira device.

With that, I tracked consistently during my fertile window (ovulation was estimated to be CD15, Mira confirmed this with LH surge) and a little after, then I did Mira’s recommend days (2 later luteal phase, CD23 & CD25). I’m also a smidge impatient and saw the upward PdG trend (I tried to test this morning and got an error so I did test later in the day than usual for the second reading) so I took a pregnancy test today because of that trend (I’m 4 days +/- out from my period (CD25)), it was negative.

I’ve been doing my own research and using Mira’s resources to understand my results but I feel like it can still be confusing.

I understand that Mira isn’t made to track and/or confirm pregnancy. I just wanted to see what y’all thought about this first month? Anything useful in terms of insight or understanding to a newbie Mira useful? If you’ve used other forms of hormone tracking, your input is welcome too!

I appreciate the help in advance, below is this month’s chart!

Thanks y’all!