Am I being selfish?

Kristen • Scarlett Kay ❤️ 10.31.18 😍🎃

My boyfriend and I have been together about 9 months and the first 5 months were amazing.. until she stopped taking his depression medication and relapsed on alcohol for almost 2 months. He ended up going to the hospital and was diagnosed with liver disease. These past 2 months he’s been focused on healing but he’s absolutely terrified because he was really knocking on deaths door. He is healing and his Dr said things are improving. I really love this man and I haven’t felt the way I feel with him with anyone. He is struggling with this being the first year his family isn’t around because they moved states and he also lost his job. Ever since the relapse happened he hasn’t been treating me the same as he used to. Hr does still tell me I love you just not near as much, he does still make plans to see me and asks me to come over but all

We do is just watch tv or a movie, he doesn’t want to go anywhere (he says it’s because he is still very self conscious of being yellow because of the liver disease, which I do understand) He’s also not affectionate hardly at all anymore.. he’s given me hugs a few times and held my hand but kisses have pretty much stopped. He also doesn’t text me or keep me up to date about his day like he used to, sometimes will go all day long without reaching out to me. I have severe anxiety and I constantly believe he doesn’t want me anymore and he’s ghosting me. We’ve gotten into little arguments about this and I think now he’s gotten to the point where he’s telling me there’s no point in trying to tell me that he does love me. (He used to protest and say he doesn’t want to lose me because he loves me). I guess my question is, am I being too selfish? I know he’s worried and scared about his health and is going through a tough time physically and mentally, and I don’t want to give up on him because I love him so much.. I just don’t feel important to him and I’m worried things will never go back to how they were.